Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an Adjustment?

A Chiropractic Adjustment is a skilled and precise movement applied by hand or an instrument to a joint of the body. Adjustments free up the joints to achieve proper movement and function.

2. Will it hurt?

Some people feel great following a treatment, while others may experience some discomfort. This discomfort usually subsides and your Chiropractor will explain in detail, why this may occur.

3. Do your office use instrument or manual adjusting techniques?

Yes and yes. We are well versed in many different techniques. Each patient will be assessed and treatment options will be discussed.

4. How many visits will I need?

This is a very common question. Some people require more treatment than others. It is our goal to get you functioning and feeling great in the shortest amount of time.

5. Is Chiropractic just for old people?

Absolutely not. We see many young patients in our office, even infants. In fact, every 4-6 weeks we hold a Saturday Kids Clinic, where Children are eligible for special pricing.